
Public transport

Station: U Eberswalder Str.

Subway: U2

Tram: M1, M10, 12

Night bus: N2, N42

The Prater Biergarten and the Prater Restaurant are located in the courtyard of Kastanienallee 7-9.


The nearest taxi stand is within walking distance of about 150 meters from Prater, at Eberswalder Str. 21.

We would also be happy to call a taxi for you.


Parking spaces are not provided. Come by bike, use the well-connected public transportation system or use the nearest public parking garages:

Underground car park Kulturbrauerei, Sredzkistr. 1, 10435 Berlin (approx. 500m from Prater)
Multistorey car park Schönhauser Allee Arcaden, Schönhauser Allee 79-80, 10439 Berlin (approx. 1,000m from Prater)